Adik kepada King Coco telah membuat satu video dan komen tentang kakaknya itu.
Dia membuat video berkenaan kerana kurang senang melihat ramai yang hentam kakaknya yang semakin popular itu.
Adik kepada King Coco juga mendedahkan perkara yang ramai tidak tahu tentang kakaknya itu.
Jom baca luahannya:
You guys can continue sharing her pictures and condemning and bashing her up.
Only we know the stories behind all those pictures
Yes she went into wrong way adn did some sinful things but there is untold story behind it.
You guys keep on mentioning flat where we live. Yes that was true.
Both my mom and dad was jobless at a point. We starved.
Had to move out of the house.
My parents could not afford to school us at some point.
My sis dropped out and no one would hire her as she was underage.
The only place she was accepted was that sinful place.
She knew it was wrong but she wanted to feed us.
Those clothes were borrowed to her by her friends.
But then the place took her, change her.
My parents are still unawares of those things.
Now she is trying to live a good life.
Pleas if it possible leave her alone.
She is making clean money by product review.
Untuk lihat videonya itu, sila tonton DISINI.

Sumber asal: beritamemey.blogspot.com
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